From the folks at Copyblogger comes this helpful graphic: Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger. The truth is, there's no way to become a writer by simply …
What Matters Most In Content Marketing
Google’s new Penguin updates hit many content marketers hard. But future updates shouldn’t be a worry if you stop focusing about old-style SEO. The bottom line in search engine optimization is …
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Google, Penguin and Panda: The New Face of SEO
It’s been a little more than a month since Google released the newest algorithm change, dubbed Penguin. (Gotta say, it’s a mystery to me where they get these update names!) Already, a little more …
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Direct Response Copywriting: 13 Formats for Winning Campaigns
Your research is done. Your strategy is set. It’s time to start writing copy. How do you begin? Before letting the words flow, you need to decide on the strategic approach that will best express …
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Why Some Promotions Sell and Others Fail
“Perception is reality.” That’s how my professor started every marketing class, repeating the words as a mantra until they became a permanent part of our thinking. Even so, when you’re on the …
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The Simple Way to Find Your USP
One of the most challenging assignments for any marketer is the elusive (and intimidating) unique selling proposition (USP). "Own a piece of the market," instructs your marketing manual. Okay, but …